
Marry me?



7 Years
12-04-2018, 02:43 PM
They wandered through the herbs for a time, Vail’s steps seemed confident and sure, after all, she had planted the majority of this garden herself. Solor had assisted, mostly in the digging and moving well Vail had inserted and cared for the plants. They had made a good team, and he had learnt alot about healing during the whole thing.

He had never taken himself for a healer before, but now that he planned on marrying one, he knew he would not object to it being his life. So much of his years had been spent without a purpose, that he was happy to move into the idea of a career in healing. He would share the passion with Vail, assist her in her meetings and garden and spend his days happily at her side.
Honestly, it was the only future he wanted now that he had found Vail again.

The sun was brighter now, the mists chased away and the brightness of the day revealed. “Come on.” he said gently, nudging the girl beside him with a grin. Taking a blind girl on dates was challenging, but he had managed it once before when he had taken her to see fireflies in a cavern, so long ago. Today he had something different in mind.

He let her from the garden, and towards the cliffs at the edge of the territory. Here, the earth fell away and a bay was visible beneath them. He was careful to walk on the side closest to the water, as he found the spot he wanted to sit. He stopped there, and looked out across the ocean, as the rising sun shone visible across the water, its golden glow reflected in the blues. It was bright, and vast, and even the mostly blind Vail would be able to see something from here. “No fireflies today..” he teased, hinting at another time and another place.