Time's A-wasting
12-04-2018, 03:16 PM
Having sent out his call, Mikkal settled in to observe the injured bull moose while he waited. The moose walked with a heavy limp, and after a time he turned far enough for Mikkal to see what the injury was - a bad fracture of his foreleg that had pierced the skin. The constant movement of the bone wasn't allowing the wound to close properly, which was why it was still bleeding. If the moose wasn't killed now, he'd waste away from infection until he died, and he'd be hardly worth eating by then. What a shame.
His ears perked up at the sound of a voice, and he turned on the speaker with a boyish grin. "Kai! On hyvä nähdä sinut uudelleen!" His cousin's question turned his grin to an amused grimace. "Se on syksy. Aika raskaaksi, ei nälkä. He gestured with his muzzle at the moose that was trying to make its way along the cracked ground. "Mutta minulla on hieman hirveä ongelma," he complained jokingly. "Ei ole väliä kuinka hieno kysyn häneltä, tämä hirvi kieltäytyy tekemästä asioista helppoa minulle ja yksinkertaisesti asettamaan ja kuolemaan!" He sighed and shook his head as though bemoaning the rudeness of moose. "Mutta meidän molempien kanssa emme ehkä tarvitse pyytää hänen lupaa." He grinned again at Kai, then turned his attention back to the moose.
"Ajattelin, että voisimme kyellä häntä etsimään luodaan, mutta olisi vaikeaa vetää häntä takaisin ulos, ja en voi pysyä kaukana karibuillani liian kauan. He alkavat pian reitinsä ja tiedät kuinka vaarallinen heille on. Sitä paitsi hän ei ehkä halua käydä meiltä jalkansa rikki. Ehkä voimme riistää häntä tarpeeksi pakottamaan hänen painonsa siihen jalkaan, kunnes se antaa sen alle. Kun hän on alas, voimme leikata hänen kurkkunsa ja pysyä turvallisesti, kun hän vuotaa ulos." Mikkal's voice stayed upbeat and friendly despite the somewhat gruesome words he spoke so casually, but there was no hint of disrespect towards the moose he spoke of in that manner. On the contrary, Mikkal had been raised with a sense of respect and gratitude towards the natural world that allowed his life to continue. But speaking in euphemisms and hedging his words didn't change what was going to happen to the moose, and the lack of clarity would merely make it that much more dangerous for the two hunters, so he spoke in stark terms. Tilting his red-marked head toward his younger cousin, he added, "Mitä mieltä olet, Kai?"
Post word count: 405
Total word count: 1850
His ears perked up at the sound of a voice, and he turned on the speaker with a boyish grin. "Kai! On hyvä nähdä sinut uudelleen!" His cousin's question turned his grin to an amused grimace. "Se on syksy. Aika raskaaksi, ei nälkä. He gestured with his muzzle at the moose that was trying to make its way along the cracked ground. "Mutta minulla on hieman hirveä ongelma," he complained jokingly. "Ei ole väliä kuinka hieno kysyn häneltä, tämä hirvi kieltäytyy tekemästä asioista helppoa minulle ja yksinkertaisesti asettamaan ja kuolemaan!" He sighed and shook his head as though bemoaning the rudeness of moose. "Mutta meidän molempien kanssa emme ehkä tarvitse pyytää hänen lupaa." He grinned again at Kai, then turned his attention back to the moose.
"Ajattelin, että voisimme kyellä häntä etsimään luodaan, mutta olisi vaikeaa vetää häntä takaisin ulos, ja en voi pysyä kaukana karibuillani liian kauan. He alkavat pian reitinsä ja tiedät kuinka vaarallinen heille on. Sitä paitsi hän ei ehkä halua käydä meiltä jalkansa rikki. Ehkä voimme riistää häntä tarpeeksi pakottamaan hänen painonsa siihen jalkaan, kunnes se antaa sen alle. Kun hän on alas, voimme leikata hänen kurkkunsa ja pysyä turvallisesti, kun hän vuotaa ulos." Mikkal's voice stayed upbeat and friendly despite the somewhat gruesome words he spoke so casually, but there was no hint of disrespect towards the moose he spoke of in that manner. On the contrary, Mikkal had been raised with a sense of respect and gratitude towards the natural world that allowed his life to continue. But speaking in euphemisms and hedging his words didn't change what was going to happen to the moose, and the lack of clarity would merely make it that much more dangerous for the two hunters, so he spoke in stark terms. Tilting his red-marked head toward his younger cousin, he added, "Mitä mieltä olet, Kai?"
Post word count: 405
Total word count: 1850