
Ninjas, anyone?



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
12-04-2018, 07:26 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2018, 01:24 PM by Philomena.)
Name: Hoshido Winterheart

Age: 1 Year

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Good



Hoshido is not an impressive man by any means. Standing at a mere seventeen inches this man is anything but impressive… at least by normal standards. By the standards of his people Hoshido is a wonderful specimen, small and stealthy. His coat, dark, is also shaggy in texture. He has a rather average build save for smaller and narrower paws. He is of a healthy weight for his size, however, and has deep dark blue eyes. His flesh is black and his inner ears are silver.

As far as his coat goes there are splashes of color all over Hoshido’s body. Primarily a steely gray coats his base lightening to silver around his ruff and underbelly, as well as his face, inner ears, and the back of his legs. Silvery-white splashes across both sides of his face as well, encircling his left eye, splashes up on his paws, touches his left shoulder blade and elbow, runs up his back left leg and lays across the right side of his rump in a small splash. Darker gray, almost black runs across his ruff and forehead, marks his muzzle, and makes a loop around his sides in a hook like mark.


Like most Songa Hoshido has ambition in his heart to be one of the best. He sets his sights high, wanting the glory and wealth to collect a great deal of wives. He has high standards for himself as well, not willing to just take anyone or anything. He can be selfish around strangers, but more relaxed and kind to those he knows well. He does appreciate praise, feeding on it, using it to encourage himself. But when he doesn’t get praise, or notice, the male feels he must work even harder to achieve it. Even if that means doing something foolish or reckless. He is competitive as well, using others to help set his standards for himself. Hoshido is also incredibly protective of those he cares for.

He can move with grace and strike hard and fast before he retreats to regroup for another tactical strike. He does admittedly like to consider his options, even trying to come up with new ways to trick those he deems are the enemy. The male can either be your friend or one of those nightmares that keep you up at night. He doesn’t always succeed in every endeavor, but that just makes Hoshido try again. He is fiercely determined to get what he wants… starting with a girl of his dreams. Who that girl is though has yet to be seen.

Relationship to Balsam: Hoshido knows Balsam but doesn't really interact with him much as of yet. He's reckless... but also kind of admires these ideals of trying to do something new and unheard of. A self declared rival.

History: A pretty average life in a moderate sized family Hoshido didn't have much to worry about. He wanted for little except to please his family and find greatness for himself. From a young age he felt a strong sense of rivalry towards others of his clan... possibly just his competitive nature. Nothing too bold or extravagant for him... yet! :D

Plans: To see what the heck Balsam has got into his silly head and maybe try get some glory for himself!

  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!