
one shot



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
12-04-2018, 08:40 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2018, 08:41 PM by Ásvor.)
Ásvor was quite ambivalent about the changes facing Niente currently. While she had no deep loyalty to Enrico, if she was being honest with herself, she had even less to this Chaos fellow. Valdis seemed to think fondly of the man - she'd been a member of his pack and had good memories of her time there. That reason alone was enough for Ásvor to give this place a try. It wasn't as though Niente had been terribly exciting to begin with for her in particular, so why not see what shaking things up a bit might do to this place? She couldn't help but wonder what the near future might have in store for herself and the rest of the pack as she wandered tonight, grateful for the cloudless sky. The moon's bright light, as well as the stars that speckled the sky, illuminated the packlands quite well and she had no difficulty at all finding her way to the SS Antiox.

The structure was still a curious one to her, and she couldn't help but wonder if the wolf who'd been imprisoned there (perhaps unintentionally? She hadn't had a chance to find Enrico and bring it up) still remained or not. Perhaps Chaos would know something about this; or better yet, have a solution. She didn't expect to find her new alpha there though, but his oversized frame was hard to miss, a stark silhouette against the deep blue night sky. The female wore a slight smile as she approached, making no move to hide her arrival. "How are you feeling, Chaos?" She asked, mustering up as much politeness as she could, but given his standing in Valdis's mind it didn't take much to already view him in a favorable light. "Your friend Valdis did offer you to me as a practice dummy, but I'd rather wait until you're fully healed before I take advantage of that." That was the extent of her friendliness, a slightly sly smile sneaking across her dark lips as she moved to climb onto the ship's deck with him.