
We'll Be Heroes!



2 Years
Dire wolf
12-04-2018, 11:23 PM
Pegasus had always been a dreamer, it was what had broght him to Boreas in the first place; dreaming of his epic battle with the Abraxas to avenge his father’s honor. So far he had made some progress; gathering Ulric and Roza to his side, and hopefully Célestin’s allegiance as well. It seemed dishonest; to stay in Lirium and fight for them all while intending to spirit away at least one of their members for his own cause. It was conflicting to him, they were good wolves who had wanted to live peacefully, and he intended to strip them of two fighters. He shuffled through the reeds and cattails, despondent. Even exploring had lost its charms with the weight on his soul.

He glanced up at slight movement beyond the waving swamp grasses and felt his hackles rise warily. Someone was there, right in front of him. He pushed forward, slowly, mentally setting his defenses as he stepped forward, bringing the stranger into view. He stopped abruptly, taking in who exactly he was seeing. The cascading mane was so unlike anything he had seen, coupled with her silvery fur and the russet markings that seemed eerily familiar to the man. All at once it clicked, his father had described another wolf with a mane like hers; Yale’s former leader Ganta. His mouth hung open, his eyes wide with bewilderment. “You’re… The stolen princess.” He said, almost completely unaware that he had spoken. His father had searched for her and when he returned, although unsuccessful Roza had named her Dragoste’s beta. It had all been for naught. The pack was sieged just days later and Ganta was murdered. He felt compelled to bow before her, and so he tucked his paw close to his chest and lowered himself regally at her paws.

speaking Thinking  you