
Take hold of your future

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-05-2018, 11:16 PM

He shifted in his submissive stance, squirming like someone who had done something wrong and was expecting a beating. Shaye lowered herself a little, trying to look less intimidating. She knew she was a large wolf, and that really seemed to count against her when it came to the more fragile members of her pack.

He admitted to not knowing, through he didn’t outright say no. he was acting so strange, so frightened, and Shaye couldn’t help the way that it hurt her heart. She stayed where she was, and with a soft sigh, lowered herself completely to the ground. She lay there before him, with her tail giving a slight swish through the grass behind her. “Well, why don’t you tell me what’s bothering you. Maybe I can help? It’s my job, as an Alpha, and your friend, to look out for you. You know, that right?’ she would ask him softly. She wanted to coax him out of his shell, but had no idea how. She perhaps hadn’t given him enough of her time lately.

“I called you here because I want to talk about giving you a mentor.” she explained, still keeping her voice gentle. Perhaps if she displayed how she had thought about him in regards to the pack, and his future, it might help him open up a little.



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