
Marry me?



6 Years
12-06-2018, 07:21 PM

Vail felt like they would really be able to build a life together, Solor seemed to pick up healing easily and she enjoyed gardening together. He hadn't voiced any displeasure in learning her craft, and from what she could see (which wasn't much) he almost enjoyed it. Their time together was much different than their days before. She has been much more prickly when they had first met. Vail smiled fondly and wondered how Solor had even come back to her. She'd been nothing but mean to him. Though she suspected he knew it was more of a ruse. She has been eager to prove she could be the independent wolf she wanted to be despite her disabilities.

As the sun finally rose above the horizon Solir decided to lead her elsewhere, she tilted her head curiously but she didn't protest when he asked her along. She followed him out of the garden, though made sure to bump him affectionately as they walked. She vaguely knew where they were, with the sun so bright today she could mostly make out their surroundings. They reached the edge of the territory when Solor seemed to find where he was looking for and came to sit down. Vail followed suit, making sure to sit close enough to share his warmth. The cold ocean breeze made her thankful for his presence.

He mentioned fireflies and she couldn't help but remember one of their first interactions together. She smiled as she remembered the moment fondly. "Always the romantic," she muttered into his fur as she nuzzled his chest. "We've grown up quite a bit since then." She had probably done more growing. Back in the day she would have detested the thought of settling down, but now the thought couldn't have made her more happy.

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