
dying in L.A.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-08-2018, 01:30 PM

The Autumn cold was beginning to overtake summer’s warmth, they were close to peak leaf change. Rhyme fluffed his fur around him as an icy northern breeze blew through him. The alpha shook it off as he continued down the path. He had worn quite the trail around Abaven’s borders, he and Shaye both made rounds multiple times a day and the effort had given them an easy road to travel. He was finishing his rounds over the borders of the thicket, the quietest of Abaven’s lands.

At first he believed that fact to continue to be true today, but he was soon upon a disturbance at the border. His eyes widened as he took in what he thought was a body. Dark and scarred Rhyme felt his heart give a flutter as he slowed and made an approach. He wasn’t sure what to think as he drew more near. He could have been walking into an ambush, or some kind of message. Who would leave a dead body for the leaders of Abaven to find though?

Both thoughts left his mind as he drew more near though. He was still breathing Rhyme realized, but also as he looked at his face he could clearly see Rhythm’s features. His jaw dropped slightly in surprise, unsure what to think for a long moment. Was this one of his half sibling slaves? If it was he hadn’t actually looked on his face since he was 6 months old. Rhyme tried to put the thought at the back of his mind, there was more important things to do.

He crouched as he dared to the scarred man. "Stay with us." He offered quietly, not wanting to startle him back into escape. "Help is on the way." Rhyme stood back up, lifting his head to call for Shaye and Imperia.