
dying in L.A.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-08-2018, 02:46 PM

Fishing was an activity she decided calmed her. She had to be still, and patient as she waited at the water’s edge, waiting for her moment to strike. Sometimes she could be there for moment before a fish swam close to her, other times, it could be hours. She always had to position herself so her shadow didn’t fall across the water, least she scare the fish away. This was how the howl found, and she moved only her ears as they perked upwards, swiveling slightly to catch the sound.

Rhyme’s call was sharp and urgent, and she was quick to rush to her feet, startling a school of fish that swam lazily not far from her. She ignored the creatures, leaping across the expanse of water with a practiced step. Her leap expanded easily into a run, and she was tearing across the territory. She didn’t know why he called for her, but it did not matter. He second needed her, so she would be there.

The territory merged from the more open plains around the rapids, into the long grass of the thickets. She took a more leaping run as she shot through, grass smacking her in the face every step of the way. Whipping through her face, and she tucked her ear protectively over her feather, refusing to slow. She was panting a little as she finally came to the edge of the border, and skidded to a stop before Rhyme, and the injured wolf. She blinked, taking in the scene.

She approached the wolf, sniffing softly, her first thought was that he was dead as well, but a moment later she would see the rise and fall of his breath. “Is he awake?” Shaye asked, voice soft but all business. “Feather, grab Trillium, Wintergreen and white willow bark from my stores.” she ordered, lowering her body next to the injured wolf as she looked him over, noticing the many injuries, the lame leg. They were both raised by Rhythm, her and Rhyme, but they had not yet gotten a chance to see how they could work together in healing. “Why did you not call Vail, is there a danger here?” she asked, puzzled. it was what made the most sense, her and Rhyme could patch his man up together, they had the training, and then drag him back to Vail. but why not call Vail here, did he suspect whoever had harmed this wolf was near by? Grief, most of his injuries looked like they had be sustained over time. He had been in bad company for a long time. perhaps Rhyme was right to worry.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.