
Staying Busy


12-08-2018, 09:03 PM

Cyrus Rook

The midday sun was warn upon his back as he explored a bit further north. He could smell the salt of the sea on the air, but he decided that could wait until later; gulls and pipers were common and uninteresting enough. The large stone ruins had seemed interesting, but his throat drove him to the lake first. The thick vegetation surrounding the lake was turning gold and brown, and felt stiff and brittle as he pushed himself through. He kept his nose pointed down to avoid any cuts, and just used his shoulders to muscle through. When his paws met the soft sand, he looked up and let out a sigh of relief.

The water was cold on his tongue, and felt wonderful on his parched throat. Lime eyes lifted to glance around the calm water, wondering if there would be any interesting prey linger in the reeds. Waterfowl had probably migrated by now, so that would leave the wintering birds. The tip of his tail flickered back and forth as he pondered, eventually rising from the water's surface. Droplets dripped down his chin but he paid them no mind, eyes wandering from the distant shore to the sky above.

"Mayhaps this was the wrong season to come here... Figures. Winter isn't the best huntin' season... Spring is though. I can stay busy til then I'm guessin'..."  

His lips puffed out in a huff, weight shifting from one paw to the other as he thought out loud.

The Rolling Stone

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