
heart is barely beating


07-10-2013, 03:38 PM

The hyena's black eyes sparkled with something akin to hidden mischief. Her tail, thin, short, and near hairless swung perpetually behind her. Her dark eyes were bemused by this oddly colored female. Her limber legs lifted into the air making imprints into the dirt as her bodice weaseled its way back and forth. She wasn't anxious, merely bored, wolves, or at least the ones she had met, were fairly near sighted. They didn't offer a challenge in the realm of intelligence, very near sighted and short circuited. Harlequin was a watcher, an observer, she saw the picture for what it was, not just the wolf. She hummed at the dames response, amusement coloring her maw as the second wolf made herself known. Harlequin glared, could they never travel alone? Must they ever bite at others business?

?The scavengers may bring grief now, but eventually when one is warm and safe, death will linger in every corner, every crevice, every nightmare, its icy talons should frighten you. None can escape, we all must welcome that torrid embrace eventually.? Her voice was a deep rumble, that rattled up through her rib cage, it was spoken both with respect and with a hint of warning. Her words rung true even now. She shifted, paws sinking into the muck to face the ivory dame. Neither frightened nor intimidated the hyena.

"Tell me child, do you compliment every creature with half a brain? Who uses the senses bestowed upon them at birth? Or do you just come from a lower class family who could not string two sentences together if their life depended upon it.? Vile and venomous, Harlequin's words would deliver, insulting her for her foolish compliment. "The world no longer spins to the tune of common decency, its every creature for themselves, you would be wise to remember that.? Her head lowered, level with the rest of her body as she awaited the womans lashing that was sure to come.
