
dying in L.A.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-08-2018, 09:45 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2018, 09:58 PM by Shaye I.)

She grunted a response, a closer examination telling her his only wounds where old scars, and his current condition was likely from malnutrition and exhaustion. She grunted a response as Rhyme spoke of an ambush, and sent out his bird to investigate. Her own returned, bunches of each herb held carefully in her little beak. She took the Trillium and began cleaning out certain areas on his body, looking for any current wounds. She wasn’t going to be satisfied until she took a proper look at him.

She set the wintergreen aside, seeing she wasn’t going to need the rare herb, and instead applied white willow bark to his paw pads, after cleaning the grit from the cracks that long days of limping had left him with. The bark would help ease some of his aches, as well. But all in all, it was the malnutrition that had gotten him down. "Your right, the issue is mostly malnutrition and exhaustion, but I'm cleaning out his pads with Trillium - its a rare herb, but its ideal for keeping away infection, and the pawpaws are the worst place for infection to grow. i'm binding it with White Willow bark to keep it clean, and give the skin a chance to heal without being stretched from movement." she would speak out loud for the benefit of both the men - so her patient could have a soft, steady voice to listen to, and because she knew Rhyme had an interest in healing and every healer did things different.
“Does she have anything to report?” Shaye asked, all business as she took her eyes off the man who had fallen at her border.

When Rhyme gave the all clear she got to her paws. “Lets get him to the stream, we can wash these paws better there and get food and water into him.” she suggested, already moving to one side of him, prepared to help throw him over Rhyme’s body and hold him steady through the walk. As she nudged him gently, she had a hunch and gently poked his ribs, something about the way he winced even lying there, mostly still, alerted her to the problem. He moaned and groaned at her nudging, and with a tisk she got out the wintergreen - diluted priorly, and pushed it into his mouth where the mulsh could sit on his tongue and dissolve. She bound his ribs as she best she could, looking up at Rhyme. “I still think we are better off moving him, are you ready?” he looked like he was fleeing something, and she wanted him into the heart of her territory. She would get him down, get some food into him, and have her warriors set up a watch across the border where he had entered. She had a few now, and they could take turns. She spoke these very thoughts to Rhyme as she waited for him to get into position



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.