
A shiv for me a shiv for you

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-08-2018, 11:27 PM

He did manage to make Shaye laugh before their conversation grew more serious, thankfully she didn’t press the intimate details of his life as he decided if he’d made a mistake in confessing what he’d learned about Tana. Rhyme tried to understand why he’d been given these secrets of two of the most vulnerable wolves in his pack. Why hadn’t they trusted Shaye with their most deeply held secrets? Shaye didn’t order his words, but as she let go of the antler once again and brought her gaze back up to him he didn’t feel like he had a choice.

How could he recite what she’d told him when he didn’t even find thinking about it comfortable. She had suffered so much. Rhyme remained quiet for a long moment, staring down at the still antler going over those words in his head. He sighed heavily again, and when he finally spoke his words were whispered through his clenched jaws. "The physical were punishments mostly," What most scars on a slave were from. "What.. I can’t handle." Rhyme admitted his weakness, something he tried to avoid even with Shaye. "They made her an incubator, and moment after the pups were born…" He had to stop, the thought and the images the words brought up into his mind brought about that familiar rage. Rhyme’s tail began to lash out behind him, wanting nothing more than for Shaye to pick the antler back up. "They killed them as sacrifice and made sure it was the last thing Tana saw."