
dying in L.A.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-09-2018, 03:23 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2018, 03:32 PM by Shaye I.)

The wolf spoke for the first time, his wheezing voice so quiet a gentle breeze could have hidden it from them. She heard it, crouched over him as she was, and looked up at Rhyme, who was already getting into position himself. He chuckled darkly, a single agreement falling from his lips. At least the boy was awake, and coherent. Well, actually maybe not so good. Moving him was going to hurt his ribs, and she would have rather done it when he was unconscious. The painkiller she administered would have had a chance to sink in now, so the pain would be dulled, at least.

She gave her head a soft, exasperated shake, that this boy, even mostly dead, would claim his own ability to walk. Both the Alpha’s ignored this declaration, and working together they heaved him onto Rhyme’s back. Shaye walked at his side, balancing him and trying to keep him as still as possible as they walked. She needed to get food and water into him, and there was a herb that aided in gaining weight, she would fetch some from Vail as they got food into him. She needed to organise her warriors… get a patrol going here. Hmm, perhaps she would get Rhyme to organize that well she fed the man.

“When we get to the rapids, can you fetch Ody? I’ll set him to guard the man, he’s nearly a good a healer as Vail, and he can keep him safe from whatever is chasing him. Then, can you fetch Ace and take him up to where we found him, back track his trail some in search of whatever he was fleeing from, if you don’t find it, disguise his trail into the pack and set up a watch.” she decided, knowing Rhyme was the best person to send, and feeling better if he had Ace at his back. “I’ll get food and water into the man. Some Alfalfa, too, for weight gain and blood strengthening.” she decided, already lost in her thoughts and plans as they walked.
"Who is he, and why here..." she asked softly, more to herself then then her Alpha partner.



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