
A shiv for me a shiv for you

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-09-2018, 03:52 PM
Rhyme’s specifically avoided Shaye’s gaze as he recounted the tragic tale. Seeing her reaction, or how she would react to his reaction, wouldn’t help him to tell her like she had asked. Behind him his dark tail continued to lash behind as Shaye absorbed his tainted words. There was not commentary until after he had finished, and even then was after Shaye tried to scoot closer.

He loved his cousin, he did truly, but as she touched him he felt flames leap from where they came together. His whole body was hot and he couldn’t continue to sit still. Rhyme managed not to leap up immediately, but more tactfully shrugged her off as he feinted interest in the antler still lingering at their paws. He tilted his ears back to hear her reply then. He hadn’t expected it or her even tone. He felt foolish, unable to keep himself under complete control while she easily laid out her plan. Rhyme couldn’t deny how such an end might release his errant emotions with glee. The images humoring the darkest parts of the Imperialis.

"That we will," he promised, his voice gruff with hints of his forbidden thoughts. Though what wasn’t apparent was if he was agreeing with Shaye or making a vow to himself.

Shaking himself again Rhyme attempted to clear his head and really think about the object in front of him. "Come on, we’re almost done. We’ll trade places." He offered, still keeping his gaze low and away from Shaye’s. "What about you Shaye? Are you looking for one to ‘warm yourself against?" He asked, getting his mind into brighter places before grabbing the half sharpened antler.