
Lips Of An Angel


07-10-2013, 03:48 PM

Life. It was such a delicate thing, so easily taken and just as easily given. That could not be said for the silvery woman the prowled the forest. Taking a life was as easy as taking a breath. Murder ran through her veins, imbedded so deep inside her that any other path seemed impossible. She could say the same for her brother. Their only difference was he preferred to prolong his victims death. To torture them, make their last few moments as painful as possible. While his sister simply craved the feeling of life fading away between her jaws. She had returned to the first spot she had visited when she found this strange place. Weeping woods. Roots made walking tricky, forcing one to pay attention. Silence. It enveloped the woman, dying to be broken by the screams of anothers pain.

Audits twitched. Picking up the sound of an animal thundering towards her. A large animal. Brows furrowed before eyes widen as a moose flew past her, thankfully a several yards to her left. What fool would try to take a moose? The fools howls of pain soon teased her ears. He was farther away than anticipated. A malicious sneer pulled at her features. She resumed her pace, taking her time. There was no need to rush, he was clearly still alive, though not for much longer. Screams got louder as she got closer. Then voices became more distinct, one stopping her in her tracks.

Demyan. She strained to hear, picking up the soft sound of a feminine voice, followed by more of her brothers snarls of pain. The scent of his blood caked the air. So he was that fool? A low growl rumbled in her chest. She was out of earshot and sight, his massive amounts of blood would cover her scent. Weaving a careful path, she got closer. Toxic gaze settled on the pair, watching with mild distain. She waited for her brother to snap the bitches neck. And waited. And waited. But he never did it. Lids narrowed over coral pools, gaze zeroing in on his expression. He wouldn?t meet the whores gaze. Lips curled back in a silent snarl. He was hesitating. Why? She wanted to know.
Enough. Paws kissed the earth as she prowled forward, making her entrance at her brothers back. Her chin tucked against her throat, gaze pinning the black and white woman. Lips curled back, revealing ivory fangs, a growl rumbled in her chest. Now that she had a better look at the woman, or rather girl, she realized just how young she was. Barely a year! She came to stop beside her brother, her stance defensive, skull level with her spine. She made no move to attack. Yet.

"I believe he said leave." Venom dripped off her words. There was no sensual purr, only raw danger, hanging between the two women. Gaze dropped to her brother and his wounds. Blood soaked his pelt, his wounds severe. For the time being, she didn't tease him, taunt him about being saved by a girl, or being unable to bing down that moose. A shadow of concern lay in her eyes. She wouldn't know what she would do if she lost him. What would this world be without her brother at her side?
