
one shot



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
12-09-2018, 06:02 PM

If she was either flattered or disturbed by his slightly suggestive tone, she made no sign of it. The implication wasn't lost on her by any means, but she had a penchant toward women - one in particular had held her interest for awhile now. Likewise, she wasn't exactly looking to offend the alpha, so instead of responding she simply offered him a polite smile in return and a deep bow of her head in greeting. "I just might take you up on that offer soon, then," Ásvor replied simply, her voice betraying hardly anything beyond mild interest. She couldn't help but regret that she had learned so little of fighting in the years she'd spent walking this continent, but hopefully it wasn't too late to change that.

Her smile returned at his admission that he was sore, but otherwise alright.  "I'm glad," Ásvor responded easily, nodding as she took a few more careful steps onto the deck of the ship. Despite living her for long enough now, she was still wary about this structure and hadn't grown to care for it as much as she hoped she might. Its artificial walls seemed sturdy enough in case of some disastrous weather event, but the thought of being holed up in there with no real escape in the case of any other threat didn't settle well with her. At his question, she nodded simply, wondering how to answer it.  "We're.. very close," she settled on a simple answer. It'd been awhile since she'd been dwelling on her feelings about Valdis, and she hadn't quite made up her mind. She cared for her more than she did most, but just how much? All Ásvor knew was that the thought of losing her now, after settling down with her, was far more bothersome than she dared admit.  "We've been friends for a few years. I've spent most of my life in the North, so our meetings have been.. sporadic. Until we decided to settle down together here."