
Lips Of An Angel



07-10-2013, 04:10 PM


She didn't understand this. The male's first words, spilling out, talking of how he liked to kill, were horrible. But Orica was just confused. He was talking big and bad, but he wouldn't look at her. It was just like eariler when he kept saying he was fine, but kept grunting in pain at every touch. Her little heart did a horrified doublebeat at the words, and yet... And yet some of the effect was lost because he wouldn't meet her gaze. Every so often his eyes would flicker up, but only to look down again as though he'd been burned. At first Orica had just thought it was embarrassment or annoyance at having to be healed, but now she recognized it. It wasn't unlike the faces that the pups made when any of them were caught doing something the parents had told them they weren't supposed to. It was guilt.

But before Orica could properly digest this or figure out what to do with it or what to day, the male was spouting off more words. Horrible words. Her paws staid in place, but she leaned farther and farther back until she was almost sitting on her haunches. Her eyes stretched wider with every terrible sentence he said. He'd used her. She'd helped him, and now he was going to use his strength to go on hurting people. This wasn't right! This wasn't fair! For a second Orica wished she were big and strong - a warrior like her dad so she could just kill this wolf and keep him from hurting anyone. But that was ridiculous thinking. She couldn't kill anyone. She was just mad and hurting and more than a little overwhelmed. Orica blinked viciously, shamed by the feeling of moisture collecting in the corners of her eyes, magnifying their glow. She couldn't cry! She wouldn't! It would only prove him right - that she was just a stupid, stupid child.

In the silence that followed after the the male's furious storm of words, Orica sat for a moment more, hesitating and undecided, the sound of her little breathing made quicker and raspier by how tight her throat had become. She didn't want to stay here any longer. This wasn't right and it wasn't fair, but she couldn't do anything about it. She just wanted to get away. But that was when her attention got drawn away by a new addition to the scene. A beautiful female, cream colored and exotically marked, seemed to appear like magic out of the willows. And she fixed Orica with a gaze the color of roses as she came to stand by the wounded wolf. How long had she been there? What was going on? Did they know eachother? Despite everything else, a pup's curiosity burned and itched in Orica's head. She blinked again and stared. This wolf was truly lovely. Maybe she was a healer. Maybe she was nic-

"I believe he said leave."

No. Definitely not nice. But Orica just stared at her and swallowed again. "Who are you?" she asked, still half frowning.
