
A shiv for me a shiv for you

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-10-2018, 08:32 PM
Ok, so that had been a bit of a mood killer, but even at six years old the woman hadn’t had much experience with love. The one wolf she had known she had fallen for, the boy of the storms, was long gone from her life now. Since then, she had been a hermit, seeing little of new wolves. Now, she was an Alpha, and felt she had no time for love. She raised a brow as she looked over at Rhyme, understanding that his imprisonment had driven him to a different response. He wanted the freedom to explore, and see, to experience. She was already pretty sure she knew exactly why he had reacted when she spoke of making pups a rule.

It brought back a faint smile to her face, even amongst her emotions and the silence she had brought. She accepted her lot in life with a grateful sigh, never knowing if she would find the sort of love he spoke of, but that of those already in her life was more than enough. “I couldn’t give a love like that between Vail and Solor enough of my time and appreciation. I wouldn’t mind a child to raise, but, who knows.” she said, offering him an apologetic smile, and lifting the antler, she helped him finish the last of the sharpening.


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