
need you to stay


07-10-2013, 04:55 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

Everything had been perfect. Liste had found a place she was comfortable in for the first time in her young life. She had met a few wonderful wolves - well, one in particular had really captured her attention. Most importantly, she had found a family and a home. Between Angeal and Ludicael, all of her dreams had come true. The ebony she-wolf couldn't have been happier. But of course, that happiness could never last.

What had happened the other night was devastating. It frightened Liste to her core, caused her to wake from sleep trembling from the nightmares that felt so vivid and real. She found herself constantly looking over her shoulder, listening for threats all around her. She hadn't told anyone yet, for fear that she had been imagining it like before. It had been a week, though, and the fear was stronger than ever. She knew it was true this time. He was here.

Angeal's call came at the perfect time. She had been seeking him out already, needing to tell him what was happening, needing his comfort and safety. His voice made her job much easier, and she moved swiftly through the mangrove to come to his side. Liste was a nervous wreck and it showed plainly in her eyes as she approached the male, then buried her face in the fur on his shoulder. She choked on the sobs that she wouldn't let come forth - he didn't need to see her so frightened. He didn't need to carry her burden.

Tagged: Angeal | Word Count: ?