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Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-10-2018, 11:21 PM

His laugh was a good sound, even if was a bit booming as Vail had pointed out with his speech. It was pleasant, like listening to a force of nature, and she couldn’t help but smile when she heard it. It reminded her of storms, and of the wolf who had taught her to love them.

He would agree that a chance to settle in would good, and didn’t seem the least bit fazed at the idea. He was clearly a capable healer, and she was yet to see any indication of his fight prowess. She wondered if she could sneak a look at the two when Rhyme set his tests upon him. She bit back a thoughtful smile, and nodded her head to the man when he said they would manage just fine. “Very well, your welcome to any of the unused dens you come across, or to make your own.” That was the option Ace had taken, and she thought it had done the man good to carve out something of his own.

“Of course, rest is exactly the thing I have on my mind.” she gave him an amused smile, seeing what he was doing his gentle healer jab. “I’m going to head back to Vail and get those herbs sorted, once I leave you to it.” she explained. Then paused, giving him the chance to make any final requests of her, before she left him to settle in.



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