
With Careful Steps


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-11-2018, 12:37 PM

He perked up and looked at her when she mentioned organizing apprenticeships for the pups. He was mildly surprised when she seemed to be getting his input on it. Were it his brother, he would have just taken straight control and assigned the pups where he wished. But here, Shaye was giving them the opportunity to choose their path, and him the chance to be involved. Though that was most likely due to the fact that he was the only one the two pups trusted the most, and they were still getting used to being here. What surprised him more though, was that Shaye wanted to get Actaea into politics and such. That was certainly an interesting field of choice. He wondered what Actaea would think about it. He kinda hoped she would go for it..."I think that is an excellent idea for Actaea. In Ruina, that sort of thing was solely reserved for the higher me. I was The Judge. All the higher ranks - save for the Demon Mother - were solely reserved for males. Unfortunately, if Actaea had wanted to pursue that there, I doubt my brother would have let her." He shook his head and took a deep breath, "My brother had some outdated views...but, it was his pack. Not mine. He wanted to continue the ways of our birth pack, and nothing good ever came from that."

He allowed himself to smile a little when he thought about Actaea's chances of going far here, "I think they have a real chance here in Abaven. To just And maybe discover where their true calling lies." He listened to her story then. Telling him a little bit about how she came to be the alpha. He listened quietly, allowing her to finish before he said anything. It seemed abaven had been through a lot, from shifting leaders and losing them, to being dominated by another pack. He had heard of the Risen Empire...wasn't that the pack that believed themselves to be some sort of Gods or something? He'd met one or two of their members, but he never really cared much to learn more about them. "I'm sorry. It seems Abaven has gone through a lot and lost a lot. Though I'm sure they're grateful to have you here to stabilize them now, along with Rhyme I'm sure." His mind touched briefly on what she said about Bass going and looking for some missing pups...could that have been Elias' first litter with Storm? Didn't he mention something about that a while back? He knew Ty and Cloud were around, but he couldn't recall meeting any others. Shrugging it off, he put that on the backburner to think about later. And instead, decided to just try and think normal thoughts and enjoy Shaye's company.
