
Lips Of An Angel


07-10-2013, 05:00 PM

Foolish girl. Cat could see the moisture well up in her eyes. It was clear she was devastated that she just gave a cold hearted killer at second chance to terrorize the world in which he walked. How terrible she must feel. To know that all the lives he claimed after this day would be on her paws. All because she wanted to help him. A sneer threatened to show itself, but she beat it down, refusing to allow any emotion to grace her features. Who are you? A frown tugged down at her features. Gaze raked the girl vicously. She was nothing special to look at, her pelt simple, eyes a simple shade of blue. "His sister." It really was none of her business, she should be gone already. Running for the hills. But she stayed glue to her spot. Stupid girl. Didn't she know that she sat in the presence of killers?

Leave her be. Gaze flicked her to brother. A snarl creased his features, his head raised, pelt bristling. Everything frozen. Confusion. Anger. Even hurt bubbled up in the woman. Was her brother choosing this..this bitch over his own sister? She was nothing, just some little girl who he had just met, who patched up his wounds. A pack wolf. Probably from some do-good family. Her brother was a cruel bastard, but he never turned his back on her before. Foreign emotions came crashing down on her like a tidal wave. Betrayal. Who was this man? This surely couldn't be her brother, could it? Even she had never be allowed to tend to any of his wounds, he had always preferred to nurse his wounds, physical and not, on his own. But this girl had been allowed to? She would die. She had to. No one tore her brother from her without consequences.

All the while her outward expression never once waived, never gave a clue as to what was going on in her mind. Gems remained fixated on her brother. She lifted her own crown, ears pinning against her skull, she mirrored her brothers stance. "Since when do you take a liking to the young and helpless?" Poison laced her words in the gentlest of ways. The blood the started to drip from her brothers wounds didn't go unnoticed, neither did the blood that caked his gray pelt. It was surprising he was even able to stand. She had watched him get up, saw the clench of his jaws, the strain in his muscles as he moved to protect this girl. She heard the whisper of pain in his voice. The venom in which he spoke cut her deeper than his fangs ever would.

She needed solitude to wrap her mind around these events. They had just settled into this place, and now her world was being turned upside down? All for some sweet, innocent piece of ass. She didn't let concern for the womans whereabouts creep into her mind, should she make the mistake of attacking first, Cat would snap her pretty little neck before her brother could save the day.
