
Totally Not A Date [Cael&Shaye]



3 Years
Extra large
12-11-2018, 03:45 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2018, 05:52 PM by Asharya.)

Asha waited impatiently at the border, grumbling to herself about the whole business. She was not accustomed to asking permission for things. Asking permission was for those who didn't have a plan that would follow the word 'No.' Fighting her way through a border patrol just to ask Cael if she wanted to find something amusing to do with an otherwise boring day did not sound like a fun way to spice things up. Plus, odds seemed good the mortal shewolf would be kinda pissed if Asha took to chewing on her packmates. Whatever, it didn't even matter because before Asha could make up her mind a bad situation rapidly got worse.

The brush rustled and Asha turned, hoping to find Caelestis or at least some border scout there to tell her off. Either of those situations would have been perfectly manageable. But no, the damn Alpha of Abaven had deigned to join her. Asha's face fell in a mixture of shock and disappointment, but she scrambled to recover as quick as she could. But fuck first impressions anyways, right? "Er, hey there. Right. Hi. I'm Asha, I was just-" And of course. Of course. That would be the moment Cael appeared.

She zipped past Shaye and planted herself at Asha's side, on the free land beyond Abaven's border, loudly confirming that Asha had indeed been looking for her. A bit of strain left Asha in the form of a huff. She leaned sideways towards Cael and mumbled in her ear, "Couldn't have been five minutes quicker, hm?" At least the expression on her face was funny. She filed that away later for teasing. Asharya turned back to Shaye, desperate to get out of there before her big mouth got her into trouble. "Yup! Islands are great, right Cael? Minus the bees, anyways. Sooo let's go find some more. Islands, that is. As soon as possible." She figured things were sort of tense between the Abraxas and Abaven, so the sooner she split the better. She was pretty sure she'd never seen Shaye before in her life, but if the woman had crossed paths with her as a pup, well... Asha doubted there were many wolves she could be mistaken for.

In Asha's mind, she was totally playing it cool. Not even the tiny voice in the back of her mind thought she was being even the slightest bit fishy. She just really wanted to bounce, thats all. Spending the day with Cael sounded great, why did it have to be balanced out like this? She hardeyed Cael, silently urging her to split ASAP. Spirits, why did this feel so awkward? Besides the whole business with her family, she really had hoped to be able to sneak Cael away without anyone being the wiser. Asha resolved that they had to work out a better system than this, if only she could escape this impromptu meeting sans shovel talk.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox