
Totally Not A Date [Cael&Shaye]

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-11-2018, 03:55 PM

The wolf reacted strongly to her presence, and she could see that she was disappointed that Shaye had turned up. Strange, considering she had called at her borders. To Shaye, it seemed further evidence that this wolf was after Archon, but before Shaye could say anything a form burst through and flew across to the rogue side of the border. That was Cael, and she was saying that this ‘Asha’ had called for her. Right, but the two of them looked shockingly guilty, especially the stranger.

She narrowed her eyes, though she could see no reason why she would protest. This wolf wasn’t asking to cross her borders, and she did not decide who her pack members could or could not spend time with. Still… “Alright then.” she said, in response to their oddness. “Cael, if you need me, just howl, ok? I’ll be keeping an ear out for you.” she was looking at Asha when she said it, the words a warning. It was fine if Cael wanted to spend time with this fishy stranger, but the second she threatened or worried her member? Well, then she would have the might of Abaven to contend with.

Shaye looked out for her own, that was set in stone and would never change. It was a fine line to work, not putting her nose in the business of her members, well also ensuring they were safe and well. She wondered where she could look to get more information on this Asha, to understand who her young member was spending time with…. “What did you say your last name was again?” she asked Asha, knowing full well the woman hadn’t given this information to her. Still, Shaye made it clear she wasn’t going to stop them, even taking a step back, her eyes on Cael, the promise of protection in the deep blues of the Alpha’s eyes.

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