
Staying Busy



3 Years
Extra large
12-11-2018, 05:35 PM

It had been awhile since Korinna had caught up with Tyranis, but she intended to soon. She wasn't overly hopeful about the prospect of his pack coming together, but that was less a judgment call on him and moreso because she was willing to let herself be disappointed again. Until then, she was sticking relatively close to Mount Volkan - if only because these lands were more familiar to her - at least until something more interesting pulled her elsewhere. In search of prey herself, she had headed East, veering around the volcano's eastern edge until she saw the sparkling lake in the distance. These lands, perhaps while recently quite luscious, were far less so now. The grass was slowly dying, preparing to wilt for the winter and return in the spring, and a land that had once been a gorgeous shade of green now appeared much more brown and drab.

The lake wasn't the only thing that caught her attention, no; from the distance she could see the figure of someone up ahead, leaning down to drink. Feeling a prickling of mischief in the back of her mind, she started toward the lake, veering around the male so that he presence would hopefully go unnoticed. Of course, sneaking up on someone was a difficult feat, especially with a build as large as Kori's, and trekking through dried grass without making a noise wasn't exactly easy, either. She caught the tail end of his words, just barely, though couldn't quite make out what he was saying as she slowly crept closer. "You always talk to yourself?" The dark female asked suddenly, quite a bit more loudly than was necessary, obviously trying to startle him from behind.