
Explorin's and Stuffs! [Chrysanthe]


07-10-2013, 05:04 PM

Gabriel watched his elder sibling... she didn't anything like his mama or his papa but his mum had told him many times that he wasn't supposed to look at blood, but rather look at the soul, the heart of a creature, and if mama said that Chrysanthe was a sibling, than she was. Or at least thats how he twisted everything in his own mind. Gabriel scoffed at her words about his siblings, he was tired of hearing how cute they were, how adorable, he hated how they looked at them simply because they choose to act like... like... idiots! He didn't like their play but more often than not they dragged him into the mixture. Its why he left so often, he preferred the solitude over the company. ?They wouldn''t understand, they never have, I like being different Santhy, don't worry so much bout me Santhy! They are the ones always comin home with bruises and cuts! I just come home wet!? He giggled and as if to prove his point, he vehemently shook, sending droplets of water spraying everywhere.

At the mention of her leaving, Gabriel, drooped a bit, but just as quickly he perked up, tongue lolling from the sides of his mouth. ?I'mma miss you Santhy, but its for the good of Valhalla right? Besides Pip and me are best friends! She will still be here and together we will come visit you!? His naive mind had everything laid out as he beamed at his elder sister. In his mind, everything would be that simple.