
Hunter's Paradise



6 Years
12-11-2018, 10:01 PM

Prey in the desert was harder to come by and she didn't want to knock out the prey that lived within the pack lands, Lirim would need them for over the winter. She needed to get some food for the pack and something to take home to her little cousins. She had been officially part of Lirim since Torin and her had returned and she had plans to fully participate within the pack and to better her hunting skills. Like her uncle she had a big interest in hunting and found that the skill came fairly easy to her. She had been used to hunting alone, but now she could call the members of the pack if she felt moved enough too.

Today she had chose to hunt alone and traveled from the pack lands towards more of the southern part of Boreas. She knew prey in the southern parts had been plentiful within the past and one spot in particular had been her favorite place to hunt. It had also been her favorite spot to watch the bison grazing as well, way back before she had met Torin. Silvery white paws carried her into the longer grasses of the plains, her eyes and ears on alert. Surveying the territory and searching for hopeful signs of prey. Slowing her pace she lowered her head to the ground and began to look for scents, seeking smaller prey that she could easily catch a few of to carry home to the pack.

Soon she began to pick up fresh rabbit scent scattered among a trail of prairie dog scent. It was two scents among plenty of others and both creatures would surely be good small meals to carry home. She started with the rabbit, stalking among the grasses and fallowing the trails. Soon she was chasing one, catching one, and killing one. Three quick and easy kills that she piled in a spot. She then took a break to check out the hole of a prairie dog, wondering if she should stop with the three rabbits or catch something else to take home.

"Derecho Talk", & 'Derecho Think"