
should'a kissed you good night


07-10-2013, 05:13 PM

She had a bit of a skip and a hop to her step, head constantly turning and gazing about at the many sights to be scene. But every few seconds she brought Talon back into at least her peripheral vision, making sure to stay close enough that if she turned her head she could poke his ribs, close to his shoulder but far enough away to give him enough room to manoeuvre if need be. His home was super pretty, not dark and desolate like the forest they had met in even though she had had a blast frolicking in the fog. It had some strange shapes and trees growing from the ground in the distance. She tried to squint to look at them, they were wood like the trees, she could fell that from the texture but it looked like you could go inside them? She would have to ask Talon to show her around his strange home sometime. They caught her interest but not enough to drag her away from Talon to explore on her own like she did most of the time. Instead she remained beside him and filed that away in her memory so she could come back to it later, along with the billion other questions she had going through her mind that she wanted to ask him. Luckily he seemed content to answer, speaking about his mother easily after she asked him about his family. Her attention focused completely on him once he began speaking, his voice doing a good job of drawing her in and keeping her young mind focused.

Mother... Why couldn't she remember her mother? She understood the concept, remembered the feeling of being held close, the warmth of a body but her mother specifically she couldn't seem to remember. Not a name and not a face. It was like trying to see something at the bottom of a river, it was there and you knew it was, but you just couldn't seem to make it out clearly. Her ears folded back and brow furrowed as he carried on with his description of his mother and she continued trying to remember her mother. She remembered the pain she had felt when her mother had been killed, the fear when she had first been along and then been chased off. But the face... She remembered gold eyes, large ears like Kangi but she had been a different color. She had been so young... She didn't understand that by the time she reached a year old she would probably have no recollection of that time, and eventually that her language and the memories she had of the stories would fade too if she didn't drill them into her own mind. She understood now what Prospero meant when he said to always remember her language because it was a part of her. No one else knew it, maybe she was the last one who knew her language and even she only knew enough words to get her basic point across. She couldn't have a full conversation with someone else who spoke Lakota...

She pulled herself out of those thoughts as Talon began speaking about his dad, a sad smile pulling across her lips as she once more reached out to brush her nose across his ribs. She listened as he told her his sister's names, head tipping at the name of his second sister. Such a strange name... Not that she would ever say it to him but his name was so simple as well as Misty's, now that she knew the meanings, and yet the second sister had a more elaborate name... He stopped so suddenly that she almost walked right into him, having to take a hop back so she wasn't nose to nose with him. Where was her family? "No dad, mom gone when I was young. Just Prospero and I now!" she beamed at him. She still didn't know the word for dead, Prospero had never used it, just taught her the word 'gone' and that could mean a wide variety of things. She hopped around him, pointing at his missing leg and wagging her tail happily. "He has 3 legs too! Just like you! Once day I want 3 too, but I don't walk well..." she trailed off, frowning as she picked herself up, lifted her own hind leg like the one he was missing and tried to walk a ways only to collapse in a heap after a few steps. She simply giggled and smiled at him happily.
