
Wishful Sinking


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-12-2018, 01:24 AM

His ears twitched as she told him the basics about the pack, and he nodded along. It seemed all too good to be true, but he hoped he was right in coming here. He didn't want to put the kids through any more strife, but so far his instinct told him they'd do alright here. And maybe...they could have a chance at living a normal life without his brother's godforsaken demons. "I'm sorry about your cousin. Truly, I am." His voice was sincere. He knew what it was like to lose loved ones...and someone that he truly loved. The day he lost Winter was the day his world changed entirely. He didn't have the same outlook on life, but he supposed that his desire to protect those he came to care for had grown to a massive degree. That was why he took Ignis and Actaea in...or at least, that's what he told himself. He wouldn't admit it, but the Acere that he'd been before meeting Winter probably would have just gone his own way and not bothered. Yet here he was...

Clearing his throat, he quickly pulled himself from his thoughts and looked around. The territory seemed good. It was flourishing, not at all desolate like Ruina's old haunting grounds. The nearby river could be heard, and it smelled heavily of prey and herbs. "Ruina was...well, I'm not even quite sure how to explain it." He frowned, glancing at the sky as he thought. "It was a darker aligned pack, I suppose. Elias decided to continue the traditions of our birth pack, and though I supported him in his endeavors, I wasn't too thrilled. That pack did some less than pleasant things..." He trailed off for a moment, almost afraid that if he continued, he'd accidentally reveal how he had a part in some of those things. And he wasn't about to tell a stranger about his past. At least, not those parts anyway. "Ruina worshipped demons. It is said that the First Apollyon awaits our souls when we pass and that old demons inhabit the bodies of the Praetor line...though some more connected than others."

He glanced back briefly at the kids as they walked, crimson gaze falling upon Ignis' form for a moment. "Ignis, for example, is considered to be closest to those demons. But...that's a lesson for another time." He gave her an apologetic look. He didn't mind telling her, but he didn't want to talk about it in front of them. Not yet. He didn't know if Elias had told them about the religion yet, and frankly, Ace was in no hurry to teach them. "Anyway, life wasn't easy in Ruina. Old or new. Training was usually harsh, and the pack was generally pushed to their limits. Don't do your job, you get punished. And...I was the one that was in charge of things like that. Though I never got around to punishing anyone since I was off doing my own thing for a bit. Trying to find myself and whatnot. Another thing was unless you were chosen to be the Demon Mother, females weren't allowed high ranks. We had slaves that we called Lambs. And those wolves were meant to be sacrifices for the demons, but..." He closed his mouth and heavily sighed, ears falling back against his head. Now that he was saying all this out loud, the whole thing sounded really sinister. He didn't know what the hell he'd been thinking when he followed his brother to Ruina, but it was over and done with now.
