
The Grey Man



2 Years

Treat 2019
12-12-2018, 09:04 AM
The elderly healer Kassander had been gone for so long, Peggy had accepted that he'd died. With all the confusion of Sparrow's dead, the pack's near-disbandment, and Shaye's subsequent takeover, she didn't think anyone else had really noticed he was even gone. By the time she'd even realized, it was too late to try to find him, and she'd accepted him as a casualty of the chaos of that point in time. He wasn't coming back, that much was obvious, but she'd still felt awkward to be standing there in front of the extensive den he'd built for himself with the intention of gathering his herb stores for her own use. It wasn't like she was going to use the den, though it was going to waste without anyone in it. She just didn't have any herb stores built up and thought, since he'd left them behind, he wouldn't really mind if she used his. But she'd finally chickened out and gone skittering back to the den she'd shared with her mother for such a short time after they'd come here.

On her way back to her den she paused midstep, the dark form of a stranger catching her gaze. Her eyes widened, taking in the massive, brutish form with fascination. He was every inch as tall as Rhyme and had the same dark shadowy coloration, but where the new secondary alpha was graceful, this male had the burly physique of a brawler. Peggy had never seen anyone as intimidating and yes, fascinating, as this stranger. She continued towards him with cautious interest sparked in her.

He must be a new member that Shaye had brought in, and while she hesitated to prejudge someone based on their appearance (her own leggy, lithe build, after all, would not immediately lead someone to think "fighter") she thought it might be that he was a warrior. She couldn't blame Shaye for bringing in warrior-types, given Abaven's recent history, and it was a bit of a relief to think that if she was doing so, she had no intention of rolling over for the Abraxas like Sparrow had. Having more fighters to balance the healers of the pack wouldn't hurt in that eventuality.

Peggy herself felt torn between the two paths, fighter and healer. She was trained as a healer thanks to Harmony, and she'd been taught most of her life to avoid any sort of harm to others, but the Abraxas takeover had awoken a protective rage in her that wouldn't be satisfied by standing idly by while evil was allowed its way with people. Maybe that's why she was finding herself drawn to the warriors of the pack, and why she now found herself gravitating towards this feral-looking male.

She had altered her course to cross his, and now slowed to a walk as she approached him. "Hello," she called out, and planted herself in his path in a determined sort of way, though at his height and build he'd loom over her like a thundercloud. Gulp.