
Totally Not A Date [Cael&Shaye]



3 Years
Extra large
12-12-2018, 10:44 AM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2018, 10:50 AM by Asharya.)

Being caught off guard was a weird experience. Asha was normally pretty good at rolling with the punches, but to have her day of chaos and perhaps a wee bit of lawlessness start out face-to-face with Abaven's alpha really did a number on her mojo. Plus, despite the fact that in all reality there wasn't much to be embarrassed about, she couldn't help but feel a bit flushed at being discovered. All thanks to Cael's poor timing. There was some potential here for a running gag about her just being the slow one, especially after the race that had decided their first meeting. Asha figured that would irk the other shewolf and filed it away for later. She forced herself to refocus.

Okay, yeah, Shaye was definitely suspicious of something. Asha actually did figure that it was probably because she and Caelestis were acting weird as hell, but it still didn't help her budding anxiety at all. She coughed nervously, about to reply that Cael was right, they were going to get up to no mischief whatsoever that would ever need Cael's leader trailing after them in suspicion. Nope. Not even one bit. But before she could get the words out, Shaye hammered home the final blow. "What did you say your last name was again?”

Shit. Whellp. Asha's mind went from running a mile a minute into overdrive. She knew that her cousin had ruled here briefly and returned power to the pack's old ruling family. The specifics were foggy beyond that. The only thing she really had to go on was her family's tendency to inspire... mixed feelings.. in those that they encounter. She had been gone for a long time, so who was she to say. Despite that worry that she might be about to get herself into a fight, she was proud of both her family and their legacy. Omitting a detail was one thing but she couldn't bring herself to lie about it. She sighed. "Asharya Abraxas. Malleus' cousin. I heard that my family and your pack have a history, but I'm just here to see if Cael wanted to go... Well, I really don't know, actually."

She turned to Caelestis, bordering anxious but doing her best to smother that particularly loathsome emotion. "I passed some boar rooting for acorns on my way here. Figured we'd go piss one off or something." It really was the best she had, but it honestly sounded fun to her. Hopefully that would be enough to satisfy Shaye (though maybe the alpha had been right to offer help on standby... just in case...) and Cael wouldn't have an issue and they'd all go about their merry day. Hopefully.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox