
As Good as I Ever Was



2 Years
Extra large
12-12-2018, 06:34 PM
For a moment her stance broke as her tail swung rapidly side to side. "Hah, we can take you," Cael shot back to Peggy before casting a quick look to Corvus. She wasn't super sure how much if anything he knew about fighting, but she liked to think he'd at least hold his own. If not, she was always up for a challenge, maybe she'd just fight both opponents.

A blurr of motion caught her attention and she swung her head back in time to see Peggy careening closer. Digging her toes a little harder into the ground, Caelestis prepared for impact while gritting her teeth. Her tail stayed flagged out to aid her balance when Peggy made contact, slamming into her so they were toe to toe- or rather, chest to chest. With Peggy's legs wrapped around her neck, Cael found herself stuck in a close-up fight.

Attempting to mimic the tactic of surprising her opponent, Cael quickly shifted her weight to her mind legs, seeking to wrap her left arm around Arpeggio's right side just behind peggy's shoulder while simultaneously throwing herself hard to the right. The goal was to unbalance the other girl and send them both crashing to the ground, where Cael would have a chance of regaining the upper hand. In the midst of the scuffle the bite that was aimed at Cael's muzzle would land on her cheek, leaving some minor bruises but not breaking the skin.

Using the proximity to her advantage, Cael sought to pull her face away and get a hold on Arpeggio's throat, aiming to get her lower jaw on the right side and upper on the left of peggy's throat right beneath the back of the snowy-pelted woman's jaw.
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!