
Staying Busy


12-14-2018, 06:25 AM

Cyrus Rook

The sun could have fallen right on him and Cyrus would have paid no mind. Previous trails he had taken were lighting up in his mind's map, looking back the way he had come and perhaps where he had yet to go. Those areas were fuzzy and dark, but he'd clear them eventually. A loud voice shattered the map in his mind's eye, and his voice caught in his throat as he spun around to face the offending wolf. Heart beating a mile a minute, he panted as he glanced over the giant that stood near him. She had a good half foot on him, at least, and he was woefully caught unprepared. Perhaps this new land wasn't in his best interests.

Her words didn't register until a few moments later, when she obviously didn't lunge at him. Cyrus tried his best to calm his breathing, a nervous smile curling the corners of his maw. Lady Luck, you're with me. After a few huffs, he composed himself enough to reply. "Yes, actually. You should try it sometime, 'stead of scaring others half out their wits." After a small whoo-wee! of breath was expelled, he took the time to really look over his assailant. The first feature that was obvious to him was the large scar across her face. He tried not to stare, but it did honestly fascinate him. It look like she had been struck by lightning and won.

Cyrus cleared his throat and began to carefully walk out of the water he had inadvertently backed further into, moving to the stranger's side. He gave her a side glance as he moved by, his tail lifted and dripping brown water while his paws were a bit caked with mud. "You always sneak about?" His eyes dropped to a forepaw as he lifted it and lightly shook it. The thought of having to clean fermented pond muck off himself made his stomach turn.

The Rolling Stone

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