
I can get by on a little bad luck



6 Years
Extra large
12-15-2018, 07:03 PM
Sitting with a rather indifferent expression on his face, Czern was admittedly just the littlest bit disappointed that this place that smelled like blood and battle had no one at all sparring today. While he wouldn't care one way or the other if he found himself fighting someone today, he did sort of enjoy the idea of watching someone else fight. You could always learn from observing others, with the added benefit of of feeling like he had company that he didn't need to speak with at length.

Good things never lasted though, and soon a young woman appeared across the flat, barren space and made her way to approach him with a greeting in a foreign tongue. The words sounded vaguely familiar, but it was not a language he spoke, so Czern was content to study the woman carefully in silence for another moment. Her appearance wasn't especially eye-catching, though her height could rival his. Expressions shifting slightly from total lack of interest to mild curiosity, the man canted his head and chuckled softly at her question.

"Who says that I am looking for anything at all? Can it not be that I'm content as I am?" he asked with a lifting of one brow. Maybe others came here with the intention of searching for things, but as far as he was concerned he was simply here by chance. "What are you looking for?" he'd challenge in a more thickly accented voice as his demeanor seemed to shift.

Still unsure what to make of the woman before him, he maintained eye contact with her, unwilling now that she'd approached to let her out of sight. Instinct said to watch her, just in case.