
Plot Twist [Kai]



2 Years
Extra large
12-15-2018, 11:51 PM
The guy proceeded to return her attitude, sending as much her way as she'd given to him. Bright eyes narrowing, Cael struggled to decide if this returned snark irked her. She was sitting here feeling like a soon to be icicle, so she felt pretty justified in being irritated by the pointless comments and his initial attempt at light flirtatious behavior. Being basically half dead from the cold meant this was no time for such foolishness. Only her foolishness could go unquestioned!

Well, okay, mostly she was just being an ass because the whole morning had put her in a shitty mood. Huffing, she managed to keep herself from snapping which was about the best she could do. Instead she just sniffed and turned to look for some sort of shelter. If she could find a place to curl up she could probably dry off easier. An enclosed space would warm her up more than being stuck out in the open to drip dry. Unfortunately the stranger was too quick for her to says was perfectly warm thanks and he needn't concern himself with her for even a moment longer. Her eyes narrowed and her lips pursed for a moment before she swung back around to face him and give the guy an uncertain look that said she wasn't entiirely certain how she felt about him.

"Alright, I'll make you a deal. If you help me find a place to warm up, then I'll start this over." Her words came off as quite tentative, as though she was prepared to rescind the statement at a moments notice. After a minute the trepidation lessened and she broke into an impish smirk before adding, "If we find a really good spot maybe I can steal some of your body heat." Never mind the fact that having a damp wolf pressed up against you seeking warmth was probably even less appealing in practice than in theory
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!