
Land of Ice



2 Years
12-16-2018, 11:13 AM
His tail started to lightly tap the ground at the woman's interest. He had a feeling she wasn't the most pleased with him during their last conversation, so he was happy he had made himself useful. "Great! They shouldn't be too far." His excitement was evident in his voice and even more prominent in his actions. He lept to his paws, trotting a few steps south before turning his head to see if the woman was following. His tail swayed as both an invitation and an accurate representation of his emotions. He offered another smile before continuing onwards.

He tilted his nose upward as he walked, searching for the scent of prey. The smell of snow was a faint one, but it could often smother another's scent if piled on top of footprints or the creature itself. He was not used to hunting in the snow either, spending most of his life in the desert. Thankfully, most of his tactics still worked in the tundra.

As he traveled, he frequently looked behind him in search of Thorne to see if she was still behind him. Though he didn't believe she would wander off, he did want to make sure that he knew if she found something. Any extra information the woman may bring would be necessary, especially for big prey.

It didn't take him long to catch their scent, a sudden burst of adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Caribou." He murmured, removing his nose from the snow and keeping his voice low. He had heard of such deer yet had never seen one in person. This was his first time in the tundra, and he was excited to see such beautiful creatures with his own eyes. He inhaled more of the scent. "I think it's a small herd, perhaps around 9 of them. It's around the season where there will be young ones, around only a season old." He turned to Thorne again, trying to read her expression to what to do next. They could easily take on this herd if they wanted to, though they would have to aim for the calves. A full-grown caribou would be too much of a risk for only two wolves to handle alone.