
Oh Brother Where Art Though?



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
12-16-2018, 01:01 PM
Rhyme was able to take his charge without much problem, only falling back a couple of steps under the onslaught, and Chaos was able to thoroughly slobber on his brother's ears. His muscles tightened perceptibly, though, when Rhyme jokingly mentioned him not having missed any meals, because Rhyme very likely had. Any slavers cruel enough to blind and rape a little thing like Rhythm wouldn't have had any qualms about starving a strong young male like Rhyme to keep him malleable. Chaos wouldn't usually trouble himself with anyone else's business when it came to keeping slaves, but the thought of someone having starved Rhyme woke the fury in him all over again. It didn't do any good to keep bringing it up in conversation though. He forced a grin that had more than a hint of feral wrath hiding behind the toothy grin and mismatched eyes. "I see you've gotten a little taller," he said, casting a mock critical eye over his brother. "But your fangs still haven't come in right. Don't be too embarrassed, I hear it's a common problem," he added teasingly, rubbing the flat, smooth side of one of his own fangs against Rhyme's ruff as though polishing it, before dropping back to his haunches and just leaving one paw comradely on Rhyme's shoulder.

"So what have you been up to, Rhyme? Dad told me you were back, I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to track you down to catch up, I've been a bit busy." His nose twitched, catching the scent he'd initially missed on Rhyme. Abaven's pack scent, of course, though that was no surprise to him given what Valen had said about him going back and forth between Abaven and the Range. It still seemed strange and... well... weird that Rhyme would want to join Abaven when growing up in Imperium they'd had it consistently impressed on them that it was an unimpressive specimen of a pack at best, and observation since then had not improved Chaos' impression of it. Destructions had always been so far from living up to their surname that it was baffling that an Imperialis would want to join them, regardless of their blood ties. Chaos certainly wasn't going to ever go track down and join his mother's family, given what he knew of them, so he couldn't understand Rhyme's own motivations and chalked it up to the trauma he'd had as a pup at the paws of slavers. Just one more thing to make them pay for.

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write