
Fold It

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-16-2018, 01:06 PM

Her small bird companion liked to huddle into the warmth of her coat, especially on a crisp, early morning in late Autumn. There was a chill to the air, a briskness that Shaye did not find unpleasant. Speaking of, the man was telling her about all the conditions of a good time for a walk. She couldn’t help but laugh warmly at his rambling. It was sweet, really, even if he did seem to trail off and forget her for a moment. “I enjoy the snow as well, the rain, perhaps not so much.” she admitted.

“New to Boreas, or the East?” she wondered curiously. It was a big place to explore, and was easy to get lost if you weren’t use to it. Especially if the whole of Boreas was new to him, with a lot of packs to side step around. At least the East only had Abaven. He called her a native, and she could accept the title, she was born in the East, even if she had spent a lot of time away.

When he spoke of borders and not meaning to offend, her attention snapped back to him in surprise. “Oh, your quite alright Sir. Abaven isn’t far from here, but you haven’t stepped over any borders.” she turned around a little and used her nose to point. “If you follow this steam up further East, you’ll come across my pack.” she explained.

He was making himself smaller, and seemed quite worried, and she took a step forward, concerned at how he suddenly seemed so unsure. “Your right, it’s gorgeous in the spring, but it’s pretty in Winter as well, with a layer of snow as far as the eye can see. I’m Shaye, by the way.” she said conversationally, trying to draw him back out of the shell he had withdrawn into.



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