
Too cold

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-16-2018, 03:39 PM
Rhyme couldn’t complain about Imperia’s habit of leading him where he needed to go, but he wished she would use her words sometimes. She expected him to follow her with out questioning, and while he wanted to he couldn’t with her form so far away. She was close enough he could see her clearly but not close enough they could speak. He huffed softly to himself as he followed her, eventually leading the pair of them out of Abaven’s claimed territory.

He was led a bit of a ways away before he realized they were following a member of the pack. He caught her scent but he couldn’t remember a name or what she looked like. Imperia continued on and Rhyme dutifully followed until they came upon the lake. His bright dual colored gaze would finally rest upon the young she wolf. He still didn’t remember a name, but he thought she was one of his second cousins. She also looked like she was about to fall into the ice.

Growing up in Imperium he was well versed in the changing of the seasons, and the cold it eventually brought. He knew now that he was older that ice was dangerous until the weather was consistently cold, and it was not that yet. Worried about the girl’s well being he made his approach, not quietly so he didn’t startle her further out onto the ice. "I don’t think it has been cold enough for ice skating yet." He offered, not as a chastisement but as an observation.