
Oh Brother Where Art Though?

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-16-2018, 04:03 PM

Rhyme missed the wild look in Chaos’s eyes as he joked back, though similar thoughts plagued him as well. He was slowly returning to himself, he thought less about his captivity now and he had much else to keep him busy besides. ”My one true regret,” he added as his half-brother polished his sabers on his scruff. He let his gaze fall on Chaos as he sat back down, releasing Rhyme from his bear hold. He was asked what he’d ben up to since his return and he’d accept Chaos’ apology for not seeing him yet with a grin.

”I completely understand,” He started, knowing about the being busy thing. Abaven had been exactly what Rhyme had needed, something to focus his extra energy on. ”Long story short, I’m ruling Abaven with my cousin Shaye now.” He came right out and said it. Rhyme knew very well how much his uncles pack had been looked down on while he was younger, and he had no doubt it was still held in the same regards. Especially going off of Valentine’s reaction. ”I know you’re going to laugh, but it’s been exactly what I need. I have goals now, and whipping the ol’ relatives into shape has helped me… not think so much about what me and mother have been through.” He tried not to delve too deeply into the time stolen. ”What about you though, was that you I heard challenging for a pack?” He asked curiously, finding it easy to switch the topic from himself and back to Chaos.