
Staying Busy



3 Years
Extra large
12-16-2018, 07:19 PM

It was rare to see Kori without at least a glimmer of amusement flickering in her pale eyes, and today was no exception to that rule. She raised a single eyebrow as she regarded him, wondering how he might react to her sudden and admittedly quite rude arrival. As she expected (and hoped) he was thoroughly startled by her loud voice, spinning around with a wild look in his eye. Kori's morals were questionable, and she had no issue in leaving a trail of chaos in her wake, but likewise she was far too selfish to expend energy on really torturing a complete stranger. No, just terrifying him slightly was enough for her for now.

He retorted that yes, he did in fact talk to himself, and she found herself smirking slightly at his sass. She returned the smile, though her own smile was a more impish one. "Why would I do that, though, when it's so much fun?" Her expression widened, and it was hard to tell if she was merely being playful or if her words had... slightly less benevolent intentions. "I mean, what could possibly beat that expression of yours?" A soft chuckle left the boyish woman's lips, though he seemed to compose himself more quickly than she would've hoped. It pleased her that he still seemed slightly frazzled, and she found herself feeling more accomplished than she should at her feat. After a moment her own expression wilted, some of that mischief slowly ebbing away as he asked her another question.

He then asked if she always snuck around. How how he guessed? "I mean, it's one of my many hobbies," Korinna agreed with a shrug, not bothering to argue with him on that point. "Why? That a problem for you?" She watched with amusement as he moved away from the muck he'd inadvertently gotten himself pushed into, wondering just how he'd react if she tackled him straight into it. For now, though, she'd hold her ground and watch him with a wary eye.