
If you only listen with your ears, I can't get in



5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
12-16-2018, 07:25 PM
I have toured the endless starlight…

Aerndis glanced at Pnuma and nodded lightly as he spoke about not really having a place to stay. She was much the same, at least until recently. Despite having a place she could call home now she still found herself driven to wander. Perhaps it was because she'd spent so much of her early life wandering from place to place that it was engrained into her brain. Staying in one territory for more than a week seemed strange. It just didn't feel right. Though, she hoped that would change. She liked the idea of living in a pack with her family, like she had when she was very little but the idea and the reality were likely very different experiences.

Aerndis crept forward, eyeing a small flock of mallard ducks. There were two males and a number of females, the males shiny green heads quickly catching her eyes. Now how to get to them? She gingerly followed along the willow roots to the edge of the stream where she crouched down and watched the ducks. They didn't seem to concerned about predators. She considered Pnuma's idea. "I don't know. They could really scatter any which way and I'm worried they'd take off into the sky if we try to herd them. That said I don't really have a great idea other than to just go for it, they do seem to be drifting toward us a bit." Aerndis bunched her legs under her body and watched the birds for awhile. A few of the females broke away, heading toward deeper water but a male and female were headed for the shallows not too far from them. Aerndis gestured lightly with her head toward the pair.

The ducks waddled onto the shore, shaking out their feathers and preening themselves. Aerndis coiled her legs underneath her body and leapt toward the pair of ducks. It took a few bounds and by the time she reached them they were struggling to take off into the air. Aerndis fixated on the male, leaping up to snatch the bird in her jaws, hoping she could jump high enough to snag it before it ascended out of her reach.