
Homecoming King



2 Years
Extra large
12-16-2018, 07:33 PM

Both wolves seemed a bit put out by the mix up, but Orion did his best to recover as soon as he could. She introduced herself as Lyrae and he smiled, bobbing his head in acknowledgement. She explained that she'd only met a small portion of her family too and he barked out a laugh. "Sounds like we might be birds of a feather, you and I. If I ever find myself at an Aeris reunion though, I'll be sure to let you know how it goes." He joked and grinned in lieu of laughing outright. There were so few Aeris he knew of, it seemed like he'd sooner grow wings than gather a group of Aeris wolves in one place. He knew his father, sort of, but his knowledge of that side was pretty limited too. All the same he had to agree with Lyrae, any gathering of them had to be a sight to behold. She spoke of even more colored wolves and the pack she came from. He hummed, considering. His task seemed like it was getting harder and harder, but he wasn't going to be deterred that easily.

Orion looked back to the heart of geyser field as the ground gently rumbled, but no jets emerged. "Your pack is nearby to this place? I heard from a traveling trader once that angry fire spirits below the ground can loose lava onto the land when they come to surface, but he never mentioned steam and water. I wonder what's causing it." He hoped that perhaps living nearby meant that she would know, because he was definitely curious. Not only did it seem unique but it was beautiful too. If he wasn't half a mind to thinking a giant water monster might come bursting out of the ground, he might have planned to stay longer.

"Talk" "Listen" Think