
Hunter's Paradise



6 Years
12-16-2018, 07:55 PM

She was examining the hole, highly considering just for the fun of it to dig it bigger and to simply scare some of the prairie dogs. Her tail swung and a bit of a smirk came to her inky lips at the thought, but she had a bit of a travel to get home and should get these hares there before the meat would get bad. Plus she wanted to get her little cousins fed so that her Uncle could get a break for once. With Star disappearing again more was thrown onto his shoulders and she was trying her best to help out however she could. Turning her attention to her rabbits again she was just preparing herself to pick them up, unaware of her brother's presence not far from her. That was until he spoke her name, drawing her attention in the direction and for her silvery blue eyes to fall on the familiar marked face of her largest brother.

For a moment she was a bit in shock, he had been the first of her siblings that she came across and after so many years she was highly uncertain how any of them would feel towards her after her disappearance. Especially when she had been quite cocky and standoffish as a pup. It wasn't hard to recognize Ty with those eyes and the white markings that lie underneath them, but of course he himself had went through a lot of changes since she had last seen him. It was so hard to believe how large he was, how strong he looked. After the initial shock of seeing him after so long had faded a soft smile stretched across her inky lips.

"Tyranis," she started. "You look well."

It was a bit of a stupid start to a conversation, but she was unsure what to really say. She had been washed away by the rapids, managed to survive, but never had been able to find her way home. She knew it probabily had killed her mother that she had gone missing and she was sure they all had assumed she had died somehow. She didn't know what had truly happened, or the emotions her family and Bass had went through. She didn't even know that Tempest had disappeared either.

"Derecho Talk", & 'Derecho Think"

Note: Torin is allowed in any and all of Derecho's threads, regardless of the tag