
dying in L.A.



6 Years
12-16-2018, 11:00 PM


ooc. sorry for the wait, finals have destroyed my ability to function normally

Jostled by the sudden shift of the larger male's body, the young male's ears tipped back timidly. Oh no, was he in trouble? Glazed eyes rolled to take in the look of.. horror? Shock? "Shaye, did you notice how much he looks like Rhythm?" his sonorous voice rumbled through Epitaph's very bones as the male spoke. Who was Rhythm? "I could be wrong, but I think he’s an escaped slave. My half brother." A half-brother? This was so odd. Sure, he'd been born with siblings, but his two sisters had been separated from him rather early on. One to a much kinder master than he, and the other was taken as an apprentice to their sire. In those moments, the boy had been able to glimpse his father- but that had been the most he'd ever seen of Toxic.

The male had allowed his mind to wander, contemplating what this new knowledge might entail. Sure, it had occurred to him that his dam had been forced to bear other children, but he'd never put much thought to it. Her features were fuzzy in his mind's eye, he had been taken from her so early on. “It doesn't matter, we live in the now. If the slavers end up on our borders, all the better for us to take our revenge.” the female spoke, and he perked up. What kind of revenge were they plotting? Oh no, they shouldn't attempt to take on the clan in a battle. The slavers were vicious, and would destroy these kind hearted wolves. No, that wouldn't do. After being so kind to him, there was no way he could, in good conscience, let them be destroyed. Once he was better he would tell them. When he'd had some water. Maybe some food.

The act of being shuffled from the male's back and to the ground knocked the breath clean out of him. He was exhausted, and his feet were beginning to regain enough feeling to scream with pain. Regardless, he tried to arrange his limbs in a better way. More comfortable. No, he didn't quite have the strength to sit properly, did he? “Well fetch Ody first? I’ll wait till he gets here before I get him food and finish caring for him.” She spoke with such ease, it made him wonder if other wolves did not suffer under the burden of anxiety as he did. Another wolf? Terrifying. That was so many. They could all decide to tear him to shreds, and that would be the end of him. He was busy trying to get his front legs beneath himself when Shaye called for the unknown wolf. His breath hitched uncontrollably. No, he didn't like this one bit. This was too many wolves, all around him.

He managed to secure one elbow against the ground by the stream. That would be good enough for now, right? He laid his heavy skull down upon his forelimb, thoroughly exhausted by the endeavour. His ribs throbbed with each beat of his heart. So tired. His torn auds twitched at the sound of water rushing nearby, and his throat began to remember its ache. Epitaph felt as though he could drink down the entire stream as it rushed past.

Thunderous pawsteps set his heart racing out of pure instinct. Someone was coming. Someone enormous. A whine scraped along his throat, but made only the sound of a soft sigh as it escaped him. Toxic green gaze rolled to catch a glimpse of the approaching wolf, nerves firing all the way down his spine to create a cool shiver of fear. He was just as terribly giant as Epitaph had feared. Eyes as red winterberries, the rest of him coal dark. He kept coming closer without showing signs of stopping, eyes focused and intense. Epitaph didn't like this wolf looking at him like that- like he was prey. He screwed his eyes shut as tight as he could, ears flat against his skull until they were hardly visible anymore. Don't look at me, don't hurt me. If he laid completely still, most wolves lost interest. They walked away after a cursory kick or curse. "What have we here?" the titanic male rumbled.

Epitaph prayed they would say it was nothing, and make this big male go away. Pry the intent gaze away from him. Why was everyone here so big?
