
Oppurtunity Strikes Again


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-17-2018, 05:12 AM

Ace ventured out with the fox kits again, though ensured that they knew the potential dangers in this part of the pack lands. He instructed them to stay close and not wander off since there were so many snakes in the plains (pun intended), and that they needed to be careful else they'd find themselves bitten by something more dangerous than a garden snake. The giant male lumbered along at a slow pace, the two fox kits weaving between his legs as they chased each other around him. Well, it was good to see them listening to his orders even if it made it a bit difficult for him to walk properly. He heard commotion up ahead but paid no mind to it. The sound was familiar, and he could tell it was that of two bucks going at it over females. While he didn't have a female of his own, it amused him to think about the lengths some animals went to just for the chance of having a mate.

When he heard the howl of someone up ahead, he took a guess that someone had managed to bring something down and was now calling for the pack to share in the bounty. "You two hungry?" He questioned the kits, stopping them both with one large paw. "Yeah! I'm starvin'!" Ace chuckled as the young boy spoke, his tail swishing as he stepped over him. "Alright, let's go see what's on the menu." He led the way with the kits still underfoot until he spotted a white male with golden markings standing near an old buck. Curious, he wondered if that was one of the ones he heard a little bit ago. He approached the young male, while the two kits rushed right up towards the stranger and his kill. "Look! It's a big 'ole buck!" The male kit exclaimed as he led his sister right up to it. The boy aimed to pounce right onto it as if he was going to dig right in, but Ace bounded the last few paces and swatted him off before he could get a bite. "Hey! You need to ask first before just going right up and taking what you want! Manners are important you know,"

He sighed with exasperation as he turned his attention to the male that had brought the buck down, an apologetic look in his eyes. "Sorry about that, I'm trying to teach them manners. Nice kill you got here, very well done." He praised, "My name is Acere, and these are my two new charges. What's your name?" He wanted to try and get to know everyone in Abaven so he would have names to put to faces. Plus he figured he ought to actually know who he lived with and who his pack mates were.
