
i will love you till the end of t i m e

Gargoyle I


07-10-2013, 08:08 PM

"What if I don't want you to stop?" Gargoyle heard her ask, and in answer, his love only intensified. He nipped at her cheek fur, careful to do no more than caress her skin with those fangs so unaccustomed to being used in so sweet a manner. His whole body wriggled over her tiny frame. He leaned forward to pelt her forehead with kisses and nip at the bridge of her nose, until at last he heard her admit it. He eased himself back, containing the excitement that was mounting in him like a summer storm. His shone like frozen shards of lightning as they looked into her, seeking to pierce down into her soul and see every part of the wolf he loved above all others. He accepted her nuzzle with a sound, just a hair too deep to be called a whine. Ocena. His Ocena. He waited in glorious expectation for what she would say next.

And he wasn't disappointed. She returned the praise to him and added that he didn't have to stop.

"Well then I won't," the male rumbled, and for a moment his humor was replaced with earnestness. His Ocena was right after all; life came with risks no matter what, and neither of them were the sort of wolves to surrender to fears. Especially when there was the option of surrendering to love instead. "Besides, two wolves as perfect as us? It would a shame not to let the world have more utterly flawless pups." In a few seasons' time their pack would be blessed with more fluffy, colorful characters running around and getting themselves caught up in all sorts of adventure. And all because two wolves with their own share of troubles were willing to put aside everything for eachother. Yes, they'd have their night as lovers, but for the moment, Gargoyle was in no rush. This moment here, basking in his mate's affection and warmth, was heaven.
