
{Trust Me} I'm NOT Okay



4 Years
Extra large
12-17-2018, 07:28 PM

He was having a busy morning, preparing things for the upcoming winter. He wanted to be sure they had enough supplies, enough food, and that everyone was properly settled into their new homes. Making sure if they needed warm skins to line their den that they would get them. Plus he had been making work with gaining alliances from fellow packs, hoping to secure his pack's safety and neutrality. He would need to hold a meeting soon, to discuss the sacred places within the territory, to tell of the alliances, and to see if anyone had any suggestions or ideas. So much to do and he felt he had so little time to get everything done.

His brother's call from the borders was unexpected, but he didn't waste any time. Abandoning his current task and quickly picking up his pace to get there as quickly as he could. There must be something wrong and since it was coming from the border, Branch assumed he had run into some trouble. It made him worry that his brother was in danger and he would waste no time, he needed to get there. His pace was quick and he tried to keep himself calm not wanting to assume what may be going on. When he arrived he could see Birch with a distressed, unfamiliar women on the other side of the border.

It didn't look like danger, but it certainly wasn't what he had expected. His brows furrowed together as he slowed his pace and came up beside his brother.

"Hello I'm Branch Wreckage Rom-Baro or Alpha of this pack, what can I help you with," he could only assume that he was called here because of this women, but what she needed help with was uncertain.

"Talk." & 'Think.'