
Dusk and Fireflies [Eren]


07-10-2013, 08:22 PM

The saliva had begun to pool in her mouth by the time Eren finished her share. It was hard to restrain herself but she held back for the sake of making a good first impression. She had been highly ranked in her birth pack, more so than her siblings at any rate, and usually ate just after her parents. She was only second in this arrangement, but it also meant she was last. To a certain degree in grated on her nerves, but she had made the conscious decision to step back and allow Eren first bite, and that was how it was. Not to mention by the time the female thanked her and stepped away, Flint was too excited to do anything other than dive in. She tore at the meatiest bits, tearing and chomping and relishing every bite. The fresh, copious amounts of meat had been foreign to her for all too long.

It wasn't until she was fit to burst that she stepped back. The large doe had been two much for just two wolves but Flint knew scavengers would be on it as soon as the two wolves left the area. If it was winter they might already have been there. In the coldest of months when she was traveling through a series of frozen lakes and forest, she had had a small flock of ravens following her. She remembered the bird's garbled caws fondly. They had been company in otherwise lonely days. With a shake she pulled herself back to reality and looked to Eren. "That was wonderful, thank you for the hunt." Flint took a few long, languid paces away from the deer and flopped down, enjoying the heat from the earth. "I can't remember how long it's been since I've been this full." She paused a moment then, "Did you eat enough? There's plenty there." She watched the smaller shewolf with interest, feeling a certain kinship after sharing a hunt and a meal.

Speech, Thoughts